Rec Program

Our 6U rec program, the Juniors (formerly the URL), is a great program for beginning soccer players. The program runs in the spring/summer of each year and is a one night a week program. Part of each night is filled with training activities and the other part is filled with developmentally appropriate four against four scrimmages.

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8U & 10U


Our 8U and 10U Academy program is a great program for players with some soccer experience that are looking for more. Academy programs are meant to be a bridge between rec and select soccer. Academy teams practice twice a week and then have one game a week against other local Academy clubs. The Academy has fall and spring seasons. 

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Our Select/Elite program has tryouts in June of each year for the following fall and spring seasons. Players can elect to play in one or both seasons. Select/Elite teams train twice a week and typically have one game a week. Oshkosh United has some of the most experienced soccer coaches in the Fox Valley. 

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Latest News

By Matt Callahan November 15, 2023
Congrats to the Elite 2009 Girls!
By Matt Callahan February 17, 2023
URL undergoes a name change to Juniors!
By Matt Callahan February 17, 2023
The 2004 Elite Green Girls win Presidents Cup!

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